Y además encontré un poema, una vez más de Lorca que escribo aquí para que quede en diálogo con mi pequeña instalación.
- (...)Yo no quiero más que una mano,
Una mano herida, si es posible.
Yo no quiero más que una mano,
Aunque pase mil noches sin lecho.
Sería un pálido lirio de cal,
Sería una paloma amarrada a mi corazón,
Sería el guardián que en la noche de mi tránsito
Prohibiera en absoluto la entrada a la luna. (...)
Federico García Lorca
I´m working full time (although sometimes just thinking) in a project with plants which I still want to keep in secret. I just want to leave here a little idea which grow in a break, guardians of interior plants.
And also, i found a poem, from Lorca once again which I want to write here to keep in a dialog with my little installation.
(...)I just want a hand,
A hurt hand, if possible.
I just only want a hand,
Although it would stay thousand nights without any bed.
A hurt hand, if possible.
I just only want a hand,
Although it would stay thousand nights without any bed.
It would be a pale lime lily,
It would be a pigeon tied to my heart,
It would be the guardian of my transit night,
It would totally forbid the entrance to the moon (...)
It would be a pigeon tied to my heart,
It would be the guardian of my transit night,
It would totally forbid the entrance to the moon (...)
Federico García Lorca